Fivemiletown Primary School and Nursery

Fivemiletown Primary School and Nursery

Learning how to learn

166 Ballagh Road, Fivemiletown, Tyrone, BT75 0QP

02889 521456

Mission Statement

"The quality of the arrangements for pastoral care is highly effective.  The broad and varied range of learning experiences contributes well to the children's academic, social and emotional development.  The staff are very responsive to the children's welfare and tend well to individual learning needs.  The children's behaviour is exemplary and the school operates in an atmosphere which is supportive, mutually-respectful and welcoming".  ETI inspection report September 2015.

mission statement


‘Learning how to Learn’

Our vision of Fivemiletown Primary School and Nursery Unit is one of a school that is a community where children, staff and families feel welcomed and have a sense of belonging and purpose.  We endeavour to create a secure, inclusive and diverse environment which enriches and compliments the love and care experienced at home ensuring high standards of Pastoral Care and Child Protection are in place. We provide a caring and trusting environment in which mutual respect and co-operation will be encouraged developing self-confidence and promoting a spirit of respect towards others.  The ethos of the school is firmly embedded in Christian values.


In Fivemiletown Primary School and Nursery Unit we believe in the concept of lifelong learning and the idea that both adults and children learn new things every day. We believe that people learn best in different ways and therefore aim to provide a curriculum and pedagogy which embraces and supports the diversity of learning styles and multiple intelligences of children. We aim to ensure that the children actively learn how best to develop their own skills and knowledge – learning how to learn.


We aim to provide a welcoming, safe, attractive and stimulating environment which supports pupils’ learning and which celebrates and nurtures their academic and non-academic achievements, where we promote equality of opportunity and everyone is encouraged to fulfil his or her potential. We are committed to developing the health and wellbeing of all our pupils. We aim to provide a curriculum which is balanced and broadly based and which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, intellectual and physical development of the pupils. Staff work individually and collectively to support each other and to create conditions which foster learning, self-discipline and respect for others. We aim to create a calm, caring community where everyone is valued and where staff, pupils and parents have an important role to play.


The Governors and all Staff strive to promote an ethos in which fairness, tolerance, honesty, trustworthiness, compassion and forgiveness will permeate all relationships within the school community. We are committed to developing positive relationships with all pupils and are dedicated to improving learning outcomes for all. High standards of respect, self-discipline, commitment and sensitivity are sought and everyone is encouraged to set / achieve the highest personal, physical, spiritual, social and academic goals, to be the best they can be, taking pride in what they do.


In Literacy and Numeracy, we follow the N.I. Literacy and Numeracy Frameworks and aim to provide high quality education for all pupils. Our results in English and Maths are very good.  Analysis of data shows that almost all children are achieving as expected or above in both literacy and numeracy. Our pupils are given opportunities to learn through well planned and purposeful teaching using a range of stimulating resources. We are continuing to develop Active Learning methods to promote learning. We provide a stimulating learning environment using a variety of teaching methods including the use of ICT. Expectations for all pupils are realistically high and teaching is matched to the needs and abilities of our pupils. Effective interventions and support are in place to meet the additional needs of pupils and to help them overcome barriers to learning. Positive behaviour is encouraged and we celebrate successes achieved at all levels. Children are at the centre of the learning process and pupil voices are valued and celebrated.


We have long established links with St Mary's Primary School Fivemiletown. Since September 2015 the three schools have worked in partnership through the DSC Signature Programme for Shared Education. From September 2021 the two schools are in partnership as the Nursery School became part of Fivemiletown Primary School.


As a school community, we are committed to creating and building relationships at all levels. This partnership consists of the Board of Governors, the Staff, the Pupils and Parents all working together with good communication to ensure that our children receive the best education possible. The ethos of the school is experienced through the warm welcome given to all. All contributions are valued, whether from Pupils, Parents, Staff, Governors, External Agencies or other stakeholders and we are committed to a process of self-evaluation to ensure we continue to improve on our previous best.

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