Welcome to fivemiletown primary school
and nursery unit
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As Principal of Fivemiletown Primary School and Nursery Unit I would like to welcome pupils, parents, and carers to explore what our school has to offer.
I am proud to lead such a caring and highly motivated school as Fivemiletown Primary School and Nursery Unit because this is a school that knows each young person; that sets very high standards and expectations for every pupil and that delivers high quality education, meeting the needs of our individual learners.
Great success in education comes through working together in partnership and getting the little details right; it comes in knowing what motivates and inspires each young person to excel and develop in their own way.
Happy pupils achieve more academically, and so we pride ourselves on our outstanding reputation for pastoral care. Each pupil feels a sense of belonging and knows they are valued.
I look forward to developing a successful relationship with you and your child in the future.
F Pryce
Mrs Pryce