Fivemiletown Primary School and Nursery

Fivemiletown Primary School and Nursery

Learning how to learn

166 Ballagh Road, Fivemiletown, Tyrone, BT75 0QP

02889 521456


Click on the icon above and check out our facebook page at Fivemiletown Primary School and Nursery Unit PTFA

Parent Teacher and Friends' Association

Chairperson: Mrs L Beavers-McAdam

Vice-chairperson: Mrs R Bell

Secretary: Mrs J Dunlop

Treasurer: Mrs C Turkington



Fivemiletown is fortunate to have the support of parents and the wider community.  The active P.T. F.A. makes a great contribution to the life of the school through fund raising, organising memorable activities for children and families and through volunteering to help on school trips and at events.

Over the last number of years the P.T.F.A. has made it possible for the school to purchase lirary books and refurbish new library area outdoor play equipment.  

Contact any staff member for more information on how to contact P.T.F.A. office bearers and how to become an active member of the P.T.F.A.

Remember, you decide now active you become.  You can support by coming to organised events, helping to set up prior to events, tidying up after events, contributing resources or expertise.  It is surprising how many different ways there are to support the school.

Do you have a skill or a knowledge you can share with the children in school?

Would the children benefit from listening to you talking about your work or a hobby?

Contact the school office or any staff member.

October 2023 Harvest Disco

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